Maureen Devaney is the Co-Executive Director and co-founder of Vision for EQuality, Inc. She is also Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Waiting List Campaign. Maureen has volunteered and worked for over 30 years as an advocate in the disability movement and has served in numerous capacities on Boards and local and state planning and policy making committees. She has received numerous awards for her leadership, advocacy and work around waiting list initiatives. She has extensive experience in community organizing, networking and building coalitions. She served in various capacities on committees and councils dedicated to: Self Determination, Inclusion, Systems Change, Early Intervention, Education, Family Support, school to adult life Transition, Waiting Lists, Closing Institutions, Recruitment/ Retention, etc. She is presently the Co-chairperson of the Pennsylvania OMR Planning Advisory Committee, Chairperson of the PAC/OMR Recruitment/Retention Workforce Development Committee and member of the Philadelphia Supports Coordination Steering Committee. She was appointed by previous Secretary of Public Welfare Estelle Richman as a member of the Stakeholders Planning Team and People Stat. Maureen and her husband, Tom, are proud parents of their 3 children, Jim, Tom and their daughter Colleen. Colleen has been Maureen’s main inspiration to help create a better service system for all.
