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The fine dance of mitigating risk while living life in pursuit of your dreams.


The following is an article written by the PA Family Network Coordinator, Cindy Gifford, about living safely within your community.

By Cindy Gifford, PA Family Network Coordinator

When brainstorming what our PA Family Network monthly theme would be for our social media outlets in October, we thought fall, holidays and happenings and even questioned what are some National themes for the month of October? We discovered…There are so many!

Many of us know this is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Fire Safety Month, but who knew this is National Toilet Tank Repair Month? Yes… a month dedicated to repairing your toilet!
With a national theme more related to our audience, October is also Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). Declared in 1988 by the United States Congress, NDEAM is a campaign that raises awareness about disability employment issues and celebrates the many and varied contributions of America’s workers with disabilities. The month is an extension of “National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week” originally observed during the first week of October beginning in 1962. Americans observe National Disability Employment Awareness Month by paying tribute to the accomplishments of the men and women with disabilities whose work helps keep the nation’s economy strong and by reaffirming their commitment to ensure equal opportunity for all citizens.

This month we are also reminded that Halloween is near. Spooky and fun, but also a time to be extra careful and cautious out in the community trick-or-treating. These thoughts brought us to our theme, “Living Safely in the Community”, not just because safety is highlighted in October with Fire Safety and Halloween, but because it is paramount every day of the year! The PA Family Network currently offers a workshop “Living Safely in the Community” and we would like to highlight some of the ideas presented during our workshop presentation.
The PA Family Network uses Charting the LifeCourse and framework to help individuals and families of all abilities and ages develop a vision for a good life. One of the foundations or “building blocks” of the LifeCourse framework are Life Domains which are important for a good quality of life. These include: daily living, community living, safety and security, healthy lifestyles, social and spirituality, and citizenship and advocacy. This month, our theme is “Living Safely in the Community” which has a Life Domain focus on Safety & Security.

Safety and security is at the forefront of our minds when it comes to our young children with increasing worries as they go to school and get more active in the community, concerns that a loved one with a disability will be taken advantage or harmed, what will happen in the future as they age and so much more! Life conditions change through all life stages from infancy through aging and safety & security considerations do too. Safety & security can pose a barrier to achieving a good life and three basic considerations should be addressed through all life stages:

  • Personal Safety (childproofing/home safety, abuse, stranger danger)
  • Public Safety (disaster, fire, police)
  • Legal and Financial (rights, advocacy, planning)

As stated above, these are three BASIC considerations but more detailed questions to consider during your planning for each life stage, please see the Safety & Security pages, 10-11, in the Charting the LifeCourse Experiences and Questions Booklet. If you have attended one of our Workshops, you were given this book. If not, it can be found electronically on our website the LifeCourse Tools (English Version) section above.
To help construct your vision for living safely in the community, you can also the LifeCourse Tools which can be used very specifically to help you develop the strategies needed for your vision for living a good life, safely in the community. The Life Trajectory Worksheet and Individual and the Integrated Supports Star are 2 Lifecourse tools that can help with your planning. These worksheet tools can also be found in the LifeCourse Tools(English Version) section above.

The trajectory helps you think about what your family and your loved one with a disability wants and does not want and the Integrated Supports Star can help you think about the supports to achieve the envisioned safety.
Some of you may have seen the Trajectory and Star tools when you attended our Workshops or in use on our Facebook page where Christa, one of our Family Advisors, demonstrates how to use the Tools with her son. Check it out…Christa continues this month with the focus on Living Safely in the Community. Be sure to like us on Facebook when you are there!
In addition, please try to attend one of our Safety Workshops to learn more!

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