Story by: Jennifer Rodriguez (this story originally appeared in the Kansas City Star) *Trigger warning…
Two care workers accused of assaulting teenager with special needs
written by: Nicole Ford originally appeared on 2 care workers accused of assaulting teenager with special needs – WPXI
ELIZABETH TOWNSHIP, Pa. — Imagine putting your special needs child in a care home to help. That’s just what Andrew Erickson and his did, only for it to end with their son’s caregivers facing criminal charges.
“He’s a super affectionate kid, he loves music, he loves swimming, he loves being outside,” said Andrew Erickson.Aiden is just 14 and beloved by his family who just wants to keep him safe.
“He’s severely autistic, he has a dual diagnosis of autism and intellectual disability,” Erickson said.
For the last two years, Aiden was living at a Fayette Resources Care Home in Elizabeth Township. A home Erickson said was supposed to helping his son with his disabilities.
“It’s already difficult when you are in a situation where your trust the people because no one is going to have the same investment the parents have,” Erickson said.