Meet Our Team
How two women brought change to the Intellectual Disabilities System.
It started with two women and a vision. A vision that everyone belongs in the community, everyone deserves the right to a happy and meaningful life, and everyone’s voice should be heard. Audrey Coccia and Maureen Devaney created Vision For EQuality (VFE) in 1996 to change the lack of understanding and support people with disabilities and their families experienced in the community. What we take for granted; the sense of belonging and acceptance for who we are; being treated with respect; the opportunity to express our own spirituality; have the power, authority and resources to control our own destiny; and having options and security in our lives are not the norm for people with disabilities. Audrey Coccia and Maureen Devaney vowed to change that reality. Vision For Equality was one of the first agencies in the nation to develop programs that enabled people with disabilities and their families to directly monitor services provided to the disabilities community.
Board of Directors
Jennifer Logan
Larry Pace
Carlotta Boker
Mary Lou Haughney
Mary Jones-Furlow
Lynne M. Ryan Youngman
Andrew J. Barron, JD, LLM
Nicholas Saidel, JD, MA
Kathy L. Sykes
Nathaniel J. Williams, Ed.D., MHS, MPA, MBA
Executive Directors
Audrey “Dee” Coccia
Maureen Devaney
Jill Long
Francine Hogan
Nancy LeClair
Sheila Stasko
Administrative Staff
Jill Long
Heather Williams
Maria Pacheco
Beatrice Saddic
Matthew Saddic

Ed McNicholas

Sue Moore

Maria Pacheco

Marisol Ramos
Consumer and Family Satisfaction Team

Kendria Clark-Davis
enVision New Possibilities

Doreatha Davis

Joan Nelson

June Waters-Bey
Independent Monitoring for Quality (IM4Q) – Philadelphia

Marie Nocitra

Nancy LeClair

Jamie Kentz

Lisa Dowdle

Barbara Jackson

Beatrice Saddic

Carol Costello

Mary Lou Graeber

Tamar Riley

Mary Badame

Hope Gleaton

Naomi Morris

Andrea Powell

Linnett Roberts

Dolores Kent
Latino Services

Marisol Ramos

Betty Frometa

Maria Pacheco
PA Families Need Nurses Now

Meghann Luczkowski

Danna Casserly

Gloria Shotz
PA Family Network
PA Family Advisors Across the Commonwealth

Francine Hogan

Francesca Trevenen

Kourtney Miles

Nicolette Fenello

Linda Sue Morris

Nicole Karnash

Francine Fellows

Lisa Butler

Amy Bioni

Melissa Fawley

Carol Nye

Sara Nye

Mary Elks

Rachel Frometa

Ernest Roundtree

Noelle Karnash

Joan Nery

Gabriel Smaglik

Pierce Meier

Diana Smaglik

Sue Tuckerman

Ursula Lesic

Betty Frometa

Carey Freeman

Chris Gaus

Darcy Elks

Marisol Ramos

Sarah Pepper

Tina DiBiaso
PA Waiting List Campaign

Sheila Stasko

Mary Saunders

Tom Carasiti

Marisol Ramos

Ned Whitehead
Philadelphia Parent Support Groups

Carol Costello

Doreatha Davis

Marjorie Anderson

Cleo Dupree

Verna Edwards

Joan Nelson

Lizzie Richardson
System Navigation & Trauma Informed Care for Families

Melissa A Suarez

Sarah Leaman

Chou Hallegra

Sherell Robinson
Voices Rising for Justice