Caregiver Support Group
Caregiver Support Group We have a safe place, meeting EACH MONTH, for you to connect with other caregivers who understand the things you are dealing with and find the support…
Caregiver Support Group We have a safe place, meeting EACH MONTH, for you to connect with other caregivers who understand the things you are dealing with and find the support…
This FREE event is open to all…individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities including autism, families, direct support staff, professionals, and anyone who supports people with IDD/A Creating an Everyday Life…
Using The LifeCourse to Plan and Problem Solve Join the PA Family Network in this interactive workshop to… Identify service/supports so your loved one can live an Everyday Life Learn…
Usar LifeCourse para planificar y resolución de problemas Únase a PA Family Network en este taller interactivo para... - Identifique servicios/apoyos para que su ser querido pueda vivir una vida…
Waiver Basics, Part 1 - Siblings Join PA Family Network Sibling Advisors in this 2-part workshop to learn how waivers can support your loved one. Target Audience: Families with individuals…