Technology: Ideas for “Independence”
Technology: Ideas for “Independence” “Independence” is different for everyone! For some people it may be simple devices that help them remember their schedule, while for others it is a complete…
Technology: Ideas for “Independence” “Independence” is different for everyone! For some people it may be simple devices that help them remember their schedule, while for others it is a complete…
This is a gentle form of yoga that can be done while sitting. It can improve your flexibility, concentration and strength, while boosting your mood, and reducing stress and joint…
Technology: Ideas for “Independence” “Independence” is different for everyone! For some people it may be simple devices that help them remember their schedule, while for others it is a complete…
OCT. 27 STARTS AT 8:45 AM Learn about research on the harm caused by punitive and exclusionary discipline and the role it plays in the school-to-prison pipeline. Learn about the…
LEAD The Way to Healthy Relationships & Sexuality Join the PA Family Network in this interactive workshop to… Learn practical strategies and skills that encourage healthy relationships and sexuality while…