Waiver Basics (101) Part 1 Workshop (NOTE: UPDATED TIME CHANGE)
Virtual PA, United StatesWaiver Basics* (101) is a 2-Part Workshop. NOTE: This date and time is for Part 1 Only. *For those who need more detailed waiver information, please look for our Advanced Waiver Workshop Click to Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82905633941?pwd=QnBWZTVPcHhyTjdkUFVYaE8reTlvZz09 Meeting ID: 829 0563 3941 Passcode: 637984 One tap mobile +13126266799,,82905633941#,,,,*637984# US (Chicago) +16465588656,,82905633941#,,,,*637984# US (New York)