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Birth to Five Support Group, Third Friday

Do you live in Philadelphia and care for a child five years old or younger with an intellectual/developmental disability or autism? We want to help support you! Connect with other caregivers who “get it”, learn tips on reducing stress and taking care of yourself as a caregiver.

Sibling Good Life Group

Sibling Good Life Group  This group of adult siblings will have the opportunity to…   Guide the group's direction and network with other sibling  Talk about your lived experience, hear from experts on topics relevant to sibling life, have open and informative discussions, and plan for a future that holds true potential for you and your…

Birth- Five Workshop: How to Thrive as a Caregiver During the Summer

Summer can be anything but a vacation or break for caregivers. Children thrive with structure and daily routines. Join us as we discuss strategies for a successful summer break. We will provide tips for managing the extra down time that comes along with summer break. We will help you set up structure in your home…

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