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Sibling Good Life Group

Sibling Good Life Group  This group of adult siblings will have the opportunity to…   Guide the group's direction and network with other sibling  Talk about your lived experience, hear from experts on topics relevant to sibling life, have open and informative discussions, and plan for a future that holds true potential for you and your…

Transitions Through the Lifespan

Transitions Through the Lifespan  Join PA Family Network in this interactive workshop to…  Obtain information and identify services, supports, and resources  Utilize the LifeCourse Framework to plan for transitions in early childhood, school age, high school, adulthood, aging, and through medical transitions

Lead the Way to Healthy Relationships and Sexuality

LEAD The Way to Healthy Relationships & Sexuality  Join the PA Family Network in this interactive workshop to…  Learn practical strategies and skills that encourage healthy relationships and sexuality while mitigating risk  Discuss boundaries, relationships, risks, and self-advocacy skills  Learn 4 steps to healthier relationships

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