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Using Technology to Maximize Potential

Technology has the potential to impact how everyone lives their lives day-to-day. In this workshop we’ll explore ways that assistive technology, remote supports and teleservices can impact and improve the life of a participant – promoting independence, self-reliance, self-advocacy and more.  Outcomes  Participants will understand the differences between assistive technology, remote supports and teleservices  Participants…

Seguridad en la Comunidal- Español (Safety in the Community -Spanish)

Seguridad en la Comunidal- Español Únase a la Red de Familias de PA mientras compartimos estrategias prácticas para: Construir habilidades para aumentar la seguridad en el hogar, el trabajo y la comunidad Mitigar el riesgo mientras se vive una vida cotidiana significativa. Safety in the Community - Spanish Join the PA Family Network in this…

Dad’s Good Life Group

Dad’s Good Life Group  Open to all who love with a father’s heart!  We have a safe place for you to connect with other dads (or those in a father-like position) who understand the things you are dealing with in your role as a caregiver of someone with an Intellectual disability/autism. You matter, and we…

Family Forum

Family Forum  Join the PA Family Network, families, and individuals with disabilities for our Family Forum to:  Network with other families and ask questions  Get the latest updates from the Office of Developmental Programs

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