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Caregiver Support Group

Caregiver Support Group  We have a safe place, meeting EACH MONTH, for you to connect with other caregivers who understand the things you are dealing with and find the support you need as a caregiver.  In this support group, we talk about stress, self-care, family dynamics, and more.   We want to care for you as…

Early Education Staff- What to Know, What to Say, and How to Support Children with Disabilities

The Philadelphia Family Support Projects at Vision for Equality would like to invite Philadelphia early education staff and leaders in to a virtual learning and collaboration opportunity. We help families find and navigate supports and services for their loved ones with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), including autism such as applying for medical assistance, finding…

Voters Information Day

Vision for Equality Offices 718 Arch St 6N, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Vision for Equality - Philadelphia Parent Support Groups (PPSG), EnVision New Possibilities and Speaking for Ourselves are holding a Voters Information Day.  There will be information on Registering to Vote, learning how to use a voting machine, how to request a mail-in ballot and more.  The Guest Speaker will be Lisa M. Deeley, from the…

Taller de Conceptos Básicos de Exención Parte 2 (Waiver Basics, Part 2 – Spanish)

Taller de Conceptos Básicos de Exención Parte 2  Únase a la PA Family Network en este taller de 2 partes para aprender cómo las exenciones pueden apoyar a su ser querido. Dirigido a: Familias con personas que acaban de entrar en el sistema  - Abordar la importancia de tener una visión de las necesidades de…

Event Series Chair Yoga Bi-weekly Wellness Series

Chair Yoga Bi-weekly Wellness Series

Virtual PA, United States

This is a gentle form of yoga that can be done while sitting. It can improve your flexibility, concentration and strength, while boosting your mood, and reducing stress and joint strain. Taught by Megan Do Nascimento: She is a Philadelphia native who studied dance at the High School for Creative and Performing Arts and Spanish…

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