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Birth- Five Workshop: How to Thrive as a Caregiver During the Summer

Summer can be anything but a vacation or break for caregivers. Children thrive with structure and daily routines. Join us as we discuss strategies for a successful summer break. We will provide tips for managing the extra down time that comes along with summer break. We will help you set up structure in your home…

Transitions Through the Lifespan

Transitions Through the Lifespan  Join PA Family Network in this interactive workshop to…  Obtain information and identify services, supports, and resources  Utilize the LifeCourse Framework to plan for transitions in early childhood, school age, high school, adulthood, aging, and through medical transitions

Lead the Way to Healthy Relationships and Sexuality

LEAD The Way to Healthy Relationships & Sexuality  Join the PA Family Network in this interactive workshop to…  Learn practical strategies and skills that encourage healthy relationships and sexuality while mitigating risk  Discuss boundaries, relationships, risks, and self-advocacy skills  Learn 4 steps to healthier relationships

Event Series Chair Yoga Bi-weekly Wellness Series

Chair Yoga Bi-weekly Wellness Series

Virtual PA, United States

This is a gentle form of yoga that can be done while sitting. It can improve your flexibility, concentration and strength, while boosting your mood, and reducing stress and joint strain. Taught by Megan Do Nascimento: She is a Philadelphia native who studied dance at the High School for Creative and Performing Arts and Spanish…

Mini-Retreat for Caregivers of Children Birth-5 with ID/Autism, June

Event Center at Rivers Casino 1001 N Delaware Ave, Philadelphia, PA, United States

If you are a caregiver to someone with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, including autism, we invite you our mini retreat! If you are a caregiver to someone with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, including autism, we invite you to join us for a mini-retreat. This is your time to connect with other caregivers and learn about simple,…

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