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Liberty Resources

Liberty Resources, Inc. is the Center for Independent Living for the Philadelphia area, which advocates for and works with people with disabilities to ensure their civil rights and equal access to all aspects of life in our community. They provide these five core services: advocacy, information and referral, peer support, skills training, and transitioning/youth services. The Center also has additional services. Liberty Resources 112 N. 8th Street, Suite 600 Philadelphia, PA 19107 215-634-2000 email:

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League of Women Voters of Philadelphia

The League is dedicated to ensuring that all eligible voters – particularly those from traditionally underrepresented or underserved communities, including first-time voters, non-college youth, new citizens, minorities, the elderly and low-income Americans – have the opportunity and the information to exercise their right to vote. League of Women Voters of Philadelphia 123 S. Broad Street, Suite 1800 Philadelphia, PA 19109 email:

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Fiscal Note – Find Your Legislator

FiscalNote was founded with the principle of bringing people closer to their governments. They created a tool to help you quickly identify and contact elected officials including, members of congress currently representing you. Fiscal Notes believes that regardless of your political affiliation, you have the power to make your voice heard by contacting your representatives and advocating for the issues that matter most to you. Fiscal Note – Find Your Legislator 1201 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, 6th floor Washington, D.C. 20004 202-793-5300

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Disability Rights Pennsylvania (DRP)

DRP is a state-wide, non-profit corporation designated as the federally mandated organization to advance and protect the civil rights of adults and children with disabilities. DRP ensures that those with disabilities have the right to live in their communities with the services they need, full and inclusive education, lives free of discrimination, abuse and neglect, and have control over their services. Disability Rights Pennsylvania (DRP) 1800 JFK Boulevard, Suite 900 Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-238-8070

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Center for Independent Living of Central PA

The Center for Independent Living works to eliminate and prevent barriers that people with disabilities experience. They provide ongoing advocacy and offer innovative programs and services such as transport, deaf and blind services, home modifications, homecare, and other specialized services. Center for Independent Living of Central PA 207 House Avenue, Suite 107 Camp Hill, PA 17011 717-731-8150 email:

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Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania

The mission of the Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania is to foster a community of education, advocacy, supports, and research to maximize the quality of life for those with brain injuries and their families. Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania 950 Walnut Bottom Road, Suite 15-229 Carlise, PA 17015 1-866-635-7097 email:

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The Arc of Pennsylvania

The Arc of Pennsylvania has 33 local chapters and represents over 8,000 members. The state office coordinates strategic, grassroots advocacy efforts, and provides policy analysis and trainings. The Arc of Pennsylvania focuses on systems advocacy and governmental affairs, demonstrating leadership and guidance among all disability organizations in Pennsylvania. The Arc of Pennsylvania 1007 Mumma Road, Suite 100 Lemoyne, PA 17043 717-234-2621

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Delaware County Advocacy and Resource Organization

The Arc of Delaware County is a non-profit organization that advocates for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Arc has been helping adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities negotiate through the ISP (Individual Support Plan) and support system, design a plan that best fits the individual's needs and secure the services and supports and individual needs and desires for nearly 60 years. Our Adult Advocate assists with issues including employment, housing, and benefits. Delaware County Advocacy and Resource Organization 740 S Chester Road, Suite G Swarthmore, PA 19081 610-544-6600

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ADA National Network

The ADA National Network works to provide the correct information, guidance, and training on how to implement the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) so that those with disabilities can have equal opportunity and live a fulfilling independent life. Consumers can use the ADA document portal to search for documents related to various ADA topics. 1-800-949-4232

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Variety Camp and Developmental Center

  • Camp

This is a year-round recreation and conference center for consumer and professional groups related to special populations. It offers summer residential camping sessions to eligible children with physical disabilities and day camping for children with developmental disabilities. There is a fee for summer camp with camperships for low-income families. Year-round camping and recreational programs available for children with special needs including adapted aquatics and weekend retreats. Its Counselors-in-Training program is designed for youth 15-21 years with physical and developmental disabilities. Variety Camp and Developmental Center 2950 Potshop Road PO Box 609 Worcester, PA 19490 610-584-4366

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