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Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology (DO-IT)

The DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology) Center is dedicated to empowering people with disabilities through technology and education. It promotes awareness and accessibility—in both the classroom and the workplace—to maximize the potential of individuals with disabilities and make our communities more vibrant, diverse, and inclusive. University of Washington PO Box 354842 Seattle, Washington 98195-4842 206-685-DOIT (3648) (voice/TTY) OR 888-972-DOIT (3648) (toll free voice/TTY)

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Closing the Gap

An assistive technology blog highlighting the products, tools and strategies that are making a difference in the lives of individuals with disabilities. Closing the Gap Solutions is an online subscription offering practical, sound assistive technology resources, training, and professional development. They also offer live webinar sessions and have an annual conference. 401 N. 7th Street - PO Box 68 - Henderson, MN 56044 507-248-3294

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Exceptional Parent Magazine

Exceptional Parent Magazine provides articles, resources and inspiring stories for the special needs community. It is a print and digital publication with information to help individuals with disabilities of all ages (from infancy to elderly), the families, as well as the educational and healthcare professionals that work with them. The digital version can be read to those with visual impairments with universal access features. Anyone interested can subscribe to EP for Free at and receive the digital magazine version as well as the monthly newsletter for free. The print version is available for purchase.

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Disability Scoop

Disability Scoop is the nation’s largest news organization devoted to covering developmental disabilities. With daily coverage of autism, intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and more, no other news source offers a timelier and more comprehensive take on the issues that matter to the developmental disability community.

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Where’s Molly

Jeff Daly searched for the sister who disappeared when she was three years old and found that his parents had placed her in an institution for the developmentally disabled.

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Praying with Lior

A documentary that challenges our beliefs about who and how one speaks to God. The film follows Lior Liebling, a 13-year-old Philadelphia boy with Down Syndrome nicknamed “the little rebbe,” for the four months that lead up to his Bar Mitzvah. A stirring story of how a community grapples with the particular gifts and handicaps of a special needs child.

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United Cerebral Palsy (UCP)

UCP works closely with its affiliates on issues that open doors for people with disabilities. From home ownership to health care reform, inclusive education to competitive employment, UCP has established itself as a leader in the disability community and as a strong voice for individuals with disabilities and their families. They have chapters throughout the nation.

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