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The Arc of Philadelphia – SpArc

Affiliated with The Arc of PA and The Arc of the United States, The Arc of Philadelphia works to protect the rights and promote opportunities for children and adults with disabilities by advocating and promoting active citizenship, self-determination, and full inclusion. It also houses, and together they provide services to individuals with disabilities. Through employment, advocacy, community inclusion, and cultural enrichment services, the organization works to ensure that all individuals are included in their community in whatever way they want.

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Georgia Counsel on Developmental Disabilities’ Unlock! Campaign

This website includes resources, guides, papers and articles on public policy, political issues in regards to disabilities by The Georgia Counsel on Developmental Disabilities is the organization that leads The UNLOCK! campaign, which advocates with Georgians with disabilities so them and their families can live full lives and contribute to Georgia communities and the Georgia economy. Their mission is to bring about social and policy changes that promote opportunities for persons with developmental disabilities and their families to live, learn, work, play and worship in Georgia communities.

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Pennsylvania Waiting List Campaign

PA Waiting List Campaign addresses the systemic problem of individuals with intellectual disabilities on waiting lists in PA. PAWL educates families, government officials, the public and the legislators about the impact of waiting lists on the health, safety and welfare of people with intellectual disabilities.

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Maryland Waiting List Campaign

The following article explains the End the Wait Now! Campaign in Maryland: it includes a short history on the Waiting List and a few stories from families that have been affected.

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