Simple Ways to Enjoy Your Day Part 2- video recording
A recorded Zoom training that includes some tips and advice on how to enjoy your day to day life.
A recorded Zoom training that includes some tips and advice on how to enjoy your day to day life.
A recorded Zoom training that includes some tips and advice on how to enjoy your day to day life.
Trauma can have a major impact on our lives in a variety of ways. We react to all types of trauma, including responses to what is happening in the world around us. In this informative and interactive workshop, participants will: 1. Be able to identify causes of trauma. 2. Understand the effect of trauma on the brain, body, and mind. 3. Identify several ways to facilitate the healing process in daily life. 4. Become familiar with an array of clinical interventions to support the healing process.
A recorded Zoom training that includes some tips and advice on how to manage insomnia and best sleep practices.
The Department of Human Services' (DHS) Division of Adult Protective Services (APS) developed this media toolkit designed for facilities, mandatory reporters, and community members to assist in the awareness of abuse, neglect, exploitation, and abandonment of adults ages 18 to 59 living with a disability within the commonwealth.
Find some common signs and symptoms that you or someone close to you has suffered trauma.
You can download this document that can serve as a beginner guide to resources, tips and information to help you or someone you know address their trauma.
DBHIDS is engaged and positioned to address the behavioral health challenges experienced by Philadelphians across a variety of traumatic experiences. By visiting this website you will find existing programming, best practices identified across the country, and new programming that will help populations most impacted by immediate and prolonged trauma with resources, tools, and supports to heal and ultimately thrive.
Trauma is an emotional response to a terrible event or series of events. Trauma can occur from a single experience or prolonged experiences. Download this resource for more information on Trauma.
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