Autism Parenting Magazine
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Get a Free Issue of Autism Parenting Magazine. Autism Parenting Magazine - everything you need to support your family
In this workshop, members of Helping Hands Family’s (HHF) clinical team will introduce families and caretakers to the standards of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy.
AID in PA is a resource collection for Pennsylvanians in the autism and intellectual disability communities. A joint effort between ASERT (Autism Services, Education, Resources, and Training) and the statewide HCQUs (Health Care Quality Units), this site is designed to connect individuals with disabilities, families, professionals, and community members with resources that can best serve them in different situations.
Guía rápida de los programas y servicios que ofrece la ODP en Pensilvania a personas con una discapacidad intelectual o autismo y a niños con una discapacidad del desarrollo
A quick guide to the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) and services for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability, Autism, and Children with a Developmental Disability in Pennsylvania
The Center for Dignity in Healthcare for People with Disabilities has developed a School Board Advocacy Toolkit to advocate for students with disabilities.
Acceptance as a Transitional Process by Robert A. Naseef,Ph.D- Video recording from April 2022
Acceptance as a Transitional Process by Robert A. Naseef,Ph.D- Slide Deck from April 2022
Today’s special education system was shaped five decades ago, when parents fought for disabled children’s right to learn.
Resource that offers educational materials that are available to help families, educators, and clinicians learn about how to teach adolescents with ASD about the appropriate development and maintenance of relationships. Social Signals 3 North Columbus Boulevard, #MD314 Philadelphia, PA 19106 215-498-2181 email: