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Philadelphia Housing Authority

They develop, acquire, lease, and operate affordable housing for city residents with limited incomes, with their funding coming primarily from the federal government. Philadelphia Housing Authority 2013 Ridge Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19121 email:

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Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations

The Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations enforces the Philadelphia Fair Practices Ordinance, the City’s anti-discrimination law, and addresses all matters on inter-group conflict which cannot be resolved by enforcing a law and which prohibits landlords from evicting a tenant or increasing rent while a property has housing code violations. Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations 601 Walnut Street, Suite 300 South Philadelphia, PA 19106 215-686-4670 email:

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Low Income Housing

Find affordable rentals and housing options for low-income families and individuals. email:

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Liberty Resources

Liberty Resources, Inc. is the Center for Independent Living for the Philadelphia area, which advocates for and works with Persons with Disabilities to ensure their civil rights and equal access to all aspects of life in our community. It is our hope that the Center will be seen as the major point of entry into the community for people with disabilities in Philadelphia and the surrounding area, a place where an individual can make contact and receive the services they need or are referred to appropriate organizations in the community. Liberty Resources 112 N 8th Street, Suite 600 Philadelphia, PA 19107 215-634-2000 email:

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Judith Creed Horizons for Achieving Independence

Community based living that offers many different choices of supportive independent living options. They provide an individualized structure within the least restrictive environment possible. There are many different opportunities for cultural, religious, and social enrichment! Judith Creed Horizons for Achieving Independence Federation Hall 274 S. Bryn Mawr Avenue Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 610-922-2480 email:

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Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania

Housing Alliance of PA works to promote solutions to balance PA’s housing market and increase the supply of safe, decent homes for low-income people through information; education, training, and technical assistance; coalition building; research; and advocacy. Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania 309 Florence Avenue, Suite 914N Jenkintown, PA 19046 215-576-7044 email:

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Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity is a global nonprofit housing organization working in local communities across all 50 states in the U.S. and in approximately 70 countries. Habitat’s vision is of a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Most counties in PA have an office of HFH. Visit their main page to find your local organization.

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Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia

Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia is an independently chartered affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI), the largest nonprofit homebuilder worldwide. Locally, our mission is to transform lives and our city by building and repairing homes in partnership with families in need and uniting all Philadelphians around the cause of affordable housing. Our vision is a city where all Philadelphians live in safe, affordable homes. Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia 1829 N. 19th Street Philadelphia, PA 19121 215-765-6000

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Families CCAN

Families Creating Communities for Adults with Special Needs is a nonprofit founded and led by parents and family members of adults with disabilities. Families CCAN assists families in developing innovative models of housing, employment and volunteer activities for their family members. Through education, access to expertise and resources, networking, advocacy, and partnerships with agencies and other organizations, they aim to create caring communities for adults with disabilities in the 5-county Philadelphia area. 215-280-2758

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Fair Housing Rights Center in Southeastern Pennsylvania

The Fair Housing Right Center works to ensure that equal access to housing is an opportunity for all. They do this by educating the public on what the fair housing laws are, assisting those who have been wrongly discriminated against in housing, and watches the community for compliance with the housing laws. Fair Housing Rights Center in Southeastern Pennsylvania 444 N 3rd Street, Suite 110 Philadelphia, PA 19123 215-625-0700

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