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Penn Dental Medicine’s Personalize Care Suite and the Care Center for Persons with Disabilities.

The University of Pennsylvania Dental Medicine’s Personalize Care Suite and the Care Center for Persons with Disabilities offers comprehensive, compassionate, patient-centered oral health care to all patients, and their Center is specially designed and staffed to ensure individuals with wide ranging of disabilities.

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24 Hour Mental Health Delegate Line

Call the Mental Health Delegate Line if you are seeking help for yourself, a family member, a friend, etc. (available 24-Hours a day, 7 days a week) to obtain the following service(s): information, consultation, guidance, technical advice and referral; a Mobile Crisis Team for on-site assessment and intervention; referral to a nearby Crisis Response Center for evaluation, treatment and recovery services; deployment of a Crisis Specialist to provide appropriate support and related service for a limited period of time to a person in their own home who is experiencing a significant crisis; applications for Involuntary Emergency Examination and Treatment for Persons who have a mental disability, are a danger to themselves or others and refuse to accept treatment; a short term mental health crisis residence providing intervention for various psychiatric stress conditions ; a Community Response Team for communities experiencing violence and other traumatic events to foster resilience by offering support, crisis counseling, psychological first aid, psycho-education and referral for other appropriate services. 215-685-6440

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